Updated 20 Nov 2023
The unit of currency used in France is the Euros.
Several ATMs are available in Val d'Isere ensure you inform your bank before traveling abroad, and be aware you may be charged for cash withdrawals. It is advisable to exchange some cash before arriving in Val d'Isère. VAT is currently at 20%. There are reduced rates of 10% (restaurant food, attraction entry fee, public transport) and 5.5% (essential foodstuffs, books, concerts).
Banks are open Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 1pm and from 3:00 pm to 5pm. Note that banks tend to be closed on Mondays. Use this as a general guide as there maybe some variation from bank to bank.
Credit Cards
Visa and MasterCard are readily accepted in most shops, restaurants and hotels. A minimum spend amount may be required. In France, they tend to call credit cards ‘carte blue’ (blue card). American Express is generally not accepted other than in major hotels and international rental car agencies. If you lose your credit card when traveling, you should immediately contact your credit card company’s emergency hotline to cancel the card. These numbers may be helpful :
Visa: Toll free 1-800-VISA-911
MasterCard: Toll free : 0 800 90 1387
Diner's Club: Toll free : 0810 314 159
American Express: Toll free : 1 877 FTC HELP (1 877 382 4357)